Poster presenters need to prepare a display of their work of the size maximum 80 x 120 cms (=an A0 sheet, equalling 12 A4-sheets). Boards to fasten the posters will be made aviable in the poster area.


A poster should grab the viewer's attention and quickly communicate its main ideas and relevance. Please keep in mind that viewers may stand at some distance.  Hence, the use of graphics and figures is encouraged to improve the presentation. Please use large size type fonts, similar to a slide presentation. (A poster should NOT be seen as a copy of the paper.)


Poster presenters must be available for presenting and discussing their work during the poster sessions. The timings of the sessions can be found in the conference program (avaible from June 1 on the conference web site). Hand-outs of the paper should be made available for those interested.


Ideally, a poster will display:

*  Paper title

*  Name and contact information of author(s)

*  Research question and aim of the paper

*  The theoretical framing of the paper

*  Data (if empirical paper)

*  Main findings, including potential theoretical and practical/policy implications

*  Central references