Professional Development Workshops (PDWs)


Professional development workshops (PDWs) are focused, user driven sessions offering a way of sharing ideas, knowledge and expertise with peers in the DRUID community and develop new ideas and projects. PDWs at DRUID18 take place 9.00-12.00 on June 11, 2018. Free access for conference participants. No pre-registration required.


PDW1: The Mobility of People & Ideas: Implications for the Direction of Innovation 

Monday, June 11, 9:00-12:00. Room: SPs03

Organizers: Jeff Furman, HC Kongsted, Valentina Tartari, Florenta Teodoridis

Co-organized with the Triple-I-Research project, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Speakers: Chiara Franzoni, Jeff Furman, Ian Ganguli, Cornelia Lawson, Valentina Tartari, Florenta Teodoridis, Reinhilde Veugelers, Martin Watzinger

The location of scholars and innovators in physical and intellectual space has been of central interest to research on the economics and management of innovation since its origins. While much of this work begins with the notions that knowledge is locally sticky and that inertia persists within research fields, this research documents factors that induce researchers to relocate, to combine knowledge from across places and research domains, and documents the impact of such moves on downstream outcomes. Historically, scholarship examining the movement of researchers in physical and intellectual space has crossed research fields, incorporating ideas from sociology, economics, organization theory, and management. Because of improvements in data availability, including improved bibliometric and administrative data, and advances in research methods, including causal inference and experimental approaches, work on research mobility has experienced substantial advances. In this PDW, we will review recent advances, providing an overview of new data and methods, and identify promising paths for future work.

In this PDW we will bring together scholars who are leveraging these advances by analyzing factors influencing researchers’ mobility in both physical and knowledge space and their implications for the trajectory of knowledge creation. We will present and discuss recent theoretical advances and cutting-edge empirical methods, followed by a panel discussion in which all participants and presenters will participate with the aim of synthesize the discussion, formulating questions to the panelists, and, most importantly, soliciting questions from and engaging in discussion with the PDW participants.



PDW2: Exploring Potentials of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from an Industry & Innovation Perspective

Monday, June 11, 9:00-12:00. Room: SPs05

Organizers: Daniel S. Hain and Roman Jurowetzski

Speakers: Daniel Hain, Roman Jurowetzki, Sebastiano Cattaruzzo

Advanced machine learning (ML) and more recently artificial intelligence (AI) gained lots of attention in the past few years, in industry and academia alike. In this PDW participants will learn and discuss various approaches to using machine learning and AI methods in innovation studies and broader social science context. We here will review latest advances, showcase workflows and applications, and discuss promises and pitfalls for research in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Part 1: A gentle introduction with talks and discussions:
•    Predictive modelling for innovation & entrepreneurships research: Theory & practice (Daniel Hain)
•    Recent approaches to textual and unstructured data: Methods and application (Roman Jurowetzki)
•    Predictive and causal modeling - an historical approach from Mill to Machine Learning (Sebastiano Cattaruzzo)


Part 2: Interactive workshops with hands-on application, demos and showcases:
•    ML and predictive modelling workflows: Feature selection, cross-validation, feature engineering, model selection and evaluation (elastic nets, classification trees, random forest)
•    Natural Language Analysis workflow: General introduction to applied NLP, data-generation based on word embedding and neural networks. Application of text-based classification to causal and predictive modelling.


PDW3: The Organization of Global Connectivity

Monday, June 11, 9:00-12:00. Room: SPs07

Organizers: Marcus Møller Larsen and Ram Mudambi

Speakers: Ram Mudambi, Peter Maskell, Marcus Møller Larsen, Mark Lorenzen

We start by recognizing that the upward trajectory of the knowledge economy (declining cycle times, increasing quantity of patent production, introduction of new technologies, and many others) is strongly correlated with the increasing quantity and quality of global connectivity (internet backbones, population connected to the internet, airline passenger traffic, seaborne shipping tonnage, migration flows, MNE innovation networks, global migration flows, and so on). A major theme of the research program that we wish to promote is concerned with studying the links between these two trends. Some links may be causal, others may be associative, but understanding them is crucial to building a deeper understanding of the co-evolution of local and global social systems. The outline of our PDW will be to pose generic questions regarding first, what connectivity does and second, how connectivity arises, develops and is managed.

In this PDW, we bring to bear perspectives from international business, economic geography, and innovation studies. We hope that the resulting holistic approach will uncover the blind spots of individual disciplinary silos and shed light on the processes the underlie the rapidly changing global economy.