DRUID22 Professional Development Workshops (PDWs)

9.00-12.00, June 13, 2022

Professional development workshops (PDWs) are focused, user driven sessions offering a way of sharing ideas, knowledge and expertise with peers in the DRUID community and develop new ideas and projects. There is free access to PDWs for all registered delegates to DRUID22. No further registration required. 



PDW1:  Innovation in a connected world: Inventors, collaborations, and organizations

Monday, June 13, 9:00-12 (SPs05)
: Vittoria G. Scalera (University of Amsterdam)
Speakers: Suma Athreye, Francesco Di Lorenzo, Marie Louise Mors, Neus Palomeras, Rossella Salandra, Vittoria G. Scalera, Wolfgang Sofka

Today’s innovation processes are characterized by increasing complexity and interdependences due to fast-changing technologies, digital environments, institutional shocks, and people’s mobility. However, since knowledge is profoundly tight to individuals, it is crucial to bring these actors to the center of the analysis of today’s innovation processes to uncover fundamental collaborative mechanisms and important organizational and spatial contingencies. The PDW proposes to offer a rich overview of the most suitable theoretical and methodological approaches to analyze complex and distributed innovation processes by bringing together speakers whose perspectives and backgrounds are diverse and complementary. The PDW is organized into two parts.

The first part of the PDW includes two keynote presentations and a panel discussion by experts on several research fields, including innovation studies, strategic management, the economics of organizations, international business, economic geography, and organization behavior. Core topics like the microfoundations of innovation strategies, ethnic inventors and mix team composition, the mobility of inventors, inventors and university-industry links, and digital human capital will be discussed. The second part of the PDW features roundtables, moderated by the invited speakers, and serves as a brainstorming session, where participants can share their research interests and discuss overlapping perspectives. The participants will be able to share their take on the most novel and promising (theoretical and empirical) approaches to study innovation and collaborations from the bottom-up.

The PDW has been designed to allow the exchange of ideas and the creation of new research collaborations. The participants will be invited to engage in a conversation with the speakers and the rest of the audience through Q&As and interactive sessions. 


PDW2:  Grand Innovation Challenges

Monday, June 13, 9:00-12 (SPs16)

Organizers: Alba Marino (University of Messina), Alessandra Perri (LUISS University), Vera Rocha, Copenhagen Business School.

Speakers: Emilio Castilla, Pelin Demirel ,Gaétan de Rassenfosse, Elisa Giuliani, Tobias Kretschmer, Jonatan Pinkse, Sofia Ranchordas. 

In a world disrupted by the digital revolution, pressing health threats, new sources of conflict, and a growing risk of environmental disasters, innovation research needs a paradigmatical shift to acknowledge the dual role that innovation can play in addressing urgent and complex problems as well as magnifying environmental, digital, and societal challenges. This PDW aims to contribute to this debate by bringing together interdisciplinary perspectives on some of the grand innovation challenges of our time. In so doing, it also echoes the efforts of some journals such as Industry and Innovation in bringing these topics to the forefront of our research agenda as innovation scholars.    

The PDW is organized into two parts. The first part will feature work-in-progress addressing how firms can minimize global carbon emissions through their core business model, how exchange platforms may affect knowledge-seeking behavior, and how patented inventions may endanger human health and ecosystems. These three presentations will showcase both conceptual and empirical work (based on experimental and archival data), and each of them will be discussed by another scholar with expertise on the topic. The second part of the PDW will be interactive and engage the audience in group activities, which will culminate in a joint conversation aimed at identifying promising research questions and untapped opportunities (e.g., in terms of data, methods, co-authorships) as well as fostering cross-pollination among distinct research areas.